Animated demonstrations of the microscopic world of the human body make it easy to understand the medical breakthrough of new collagen products.
Olprogel introduction video
Our client for this project, OLPROHEAL BIOMIC, is a biotech startup dedicated to developing bioresorbable medical materials. Their product, Olprogel, is a groundbreaking permanent bone implant screw designed to replace traditional bone cement, specifically tailored for osteoporosis patients. We were honored to collaborate with the OLPROHEAL BIOMIC team to create an introduction video for Olprogel, handling everything from script ideation, animation design, editing, and music to voiceover production.
The Challenge of Explaining Professional Medical Devices
Before creating this video, the client had already achieved notable success and attention. However, after an initial discussion with their team, we identified their pain point: communicating the product's features and benefits to non-medical professionals, such as investors and the general public, was challenging. The complexity of medical jargon and concepts often led to misunderstandings or partial comprehension. This is where animated videos excel—simplifying complex, abstract ideas through visual design and leaving a lasting impression on viewers.

Our video showcases a fracture surgery using traditional bone cement, revealing its poor integration with the human body.
Highlighting current issues creates reasons for viewers to care
If a person doesn’t recognize a health issue, even the best medical products may not seem necessary. Starting a video by quickly explaining the product's benefits can cause resistance, as viewers may not feel the need for a solution. Therefore, it’s important to first make the audience aware of the problem, so they can understand why the solution matters.
Every product addresses a specific pain point. In our video, we first highlight the problems with traditional bone cement—specifically, how it doesn’t integrate well with the human body. We explain that using traditional bone cement for osteoporosis patients can lead to implant loosening and, in some cases, cause serious secondary injuries.

史丹佛大學商學院行銷學教授希夫(Baba Shi)提出,人在做決策時,不只是透過理性,更是運用感性。理性腦只負責我們決策的 5% ~ 10%,而情緒對決策有著更深遠的影響。在影片中重視正確性絕對是重要的,我們在影片製作的過程中也與客戶團隊反覆校正、確認,因為若影片呈現內容與事實偏離太多,會讓人質疑產品的專業性。我們瞭解到這一點,因此我們在呈現資訊的同時,也運用了生活情境的影片材料,建立一個「老人跌倒受傷並須接受骨折手術治療」的常見情境,使觀眾產生共情,讓介紹影片不只是冷冰冰地講解專業知識與術語,而是更強化產品與日常生活經驗的關聯性。
